Most traded commodities

largest traded commodity

The Most Active Futures pages present a set list of futures and commodities broken out in their respective commodity groupings. You will see new price data appear on the page as indicated by a “flash”. When moving between Views (Main, Technical, Performance), the list of contracts remains the same. However, each View may sort the contracts differently, resulting in a different ordering of the contracts than presented on the Chart View.

Fitch Solutions on 7 July forecast Brent to average $105 in 2022, up from average $71 in 2021 as supply tightness in the market is expected to persist. US crude West Texas Intermediate (WTI) price is typically less expensive than international benchmark Brent crude oil. However, WTI price has been catching up with Brent this year on the prospect of rising demand for US crude amid potential reduction on Russian oil due to the sanctions. Entering the second quarter of the year, macroeconomic headwinds blew bearish sentiment as the impact of sky-high commodities prices started to take a toll. The US Federal Reserve (Fed) kicked off its tight monetary policy with aggressive rate hikes to bring down the inflation rate that hit four-decade high due high petroleum prices.

Crude oil: West Texas Intermediate (WTI)

The Most Active Futures page lists the commodity contracts with the greatest volume for the day. You can view the “Full List” – the contracts from all groupings with the greatest volume – or you may select from specific Commodity Grouping to see all contracts. Coffee beans are cultivated across over 50 countries worldwide, including Brazil, as its largest coffee producer. It’s unlikely that most people would require a significant amount of copper for their personal use. There is only a smaller amount of gold available in the world than silver, and the difference in their prices is mainly due to the supply-demand imbalance.

They are used to make a variety of food and agricultural products, including soyabean meal (animal feed), soyabean oil, and meat and dairy substitutes such as tofu and soy milk. The majority of soyabeans are grown in the US, followed by Brazil, Argentina, China and India. As another versatile crop, soybean has multiple applications, which is why the crop’s popularity has been high in multiple countries. It acts as a rich source of protein and is consumed as tofu, soy milk, and soybean oil. The demand and price for soybeans depend on the price of meat since the crop acts as an alternative to it.

largest traded commodity

However, whether commodities are a good investment for you depends on your risk tolerance, investing goals and portfolio composition. This year could likely be a volatile one for commodities with myriads of factors, including macroeconomic headwinds and geopolitical tensions, pulling assets to different directions. J.P. Morgan expected commodities to be on pace to deliver a third consecutive year of significant positive returns – up 30% year-to-date. Acute scarcity conditions continued to persist across commodities, supporting the assets strong performance going forward. Swiss investment bank UBS forecast gold to average $1,700/ounce by end of this year due to higher interest rates and falling inflation.

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In the world of commodities trading and investing, macroeconomic forces also play a role in liquidity. Highly liquid commodities have less risk of slippage, not because they are more or less volatile, but simply because more people trade them. Global steel production in 2022 was 1,803 billion tonnes, and more than 530 million Futures Contracts of Steel Rebar were traded on the Shanghai Futures Exchange.

  • China is the leading producer of gold, with the other major economies mining this precious metal being Russia, Australia, and the US.
  • The significance of these most traded goods has even influenced the top 5 most traded currencies in the world.
  • However, since 2000 there have been significant fluctuations in price due to changing Chinese consumption.

Commodities with high volume are often the markets of choice for day traders and many large traders. Low-volume commodity markets are often prone to wild price swings. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude – referred to as US crude

on IG’s platform – is the second type of crude oil on our list. It is another high-quality ‘sweet light’ oil, which has an even lower sulphur content and density than Brent crude.

West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil

IG International Limited is part of the IG Group and its ultimate parent company is IG Group Holdings Plc. IG International Limited receives services from other members of the IG Group including IG Markets Limited.

  • However, gold’s rally quickly lost its shine by May as the Fed’s aggressive rate hikes to combat higher than anticipated inflation rate.
  • In recent months, prices have also been heavily influenced by Trump’s trade war with China, which has seen the president impose tariffs on non-US steel.
  • In July 2022, 1,443,289 Cocoa Futures Contracts were traded on the ICE.
  • The Brent crude oil price has remained elevated due to strong demand and supply constraints from the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) producing countries.

Silver is also considered a ‘safe haven’ asset, so its price will often rise during times of economic uncertainty. However, gold is often seen as a more reliable investment because its price is less dependent on demand from industry, which often takes a hit when economic output falls. On the supply side, silver is most often extracted from the ores of other metals – particularly copper – so fluctuations in demand for these other elements can affect silver’s price. Find out more about the factors that influence the price of silver. Like all commodities, the price of Brent crude is dependent on supply and demand factors. Historically, demand for oil has been correlated with global economic performance.

Commodity ETFs

However, since 2000 there have been significant fluctuations in price due to changing Chinese consumption. The country has rapidly urbanised – requiring vast amounts of steel – and experienced phenomenal economic growth. Because of this, Trump’s tariffs have also had an indirect effect on iron ore, with prices falling due to a reduction in demand. Commodities are the basic building blocks of the global economy, upon which most other goods are created. ‘Hard’ commodities are natural resources that must be mined or extracted.

largest traded commodity

Silver is a precious metal utilised in jewellery, battery production, and electrical applications. These weather variations lead to price volatility of CFD commodities related to natural gasses. Natural gases are often the most traded commodities in the United States of America, Russia, Iran, Qatar, China, and Canada. Slippage is defined as the difference between the price quoted to the trader and the actual price at which the trade is executed. Slippage can work both in your favour and against you – for example, trading in commodities with low liquidity could potentially lead to greater losses.

Most Active Futures

A company spokesperson was not immediately available to comment. Barchart Plus Members have 10 downloads per day, while Barchart Premier Members may download up to 250 .csv files per day. A commodity is usually defined as a raw material used in the production process or consumed on its own. The bank viewed there was still room for another 10% to 15% move up in broad spot commodity indexes over the next six months. The US Energy Information Agency (EIA)  on 7 June forecast WTI to average $102.47 per barrel (bbl) this year, up from $68.21/bbl in 2021, but it is expected to ease to $93.24. Fitch Solutions on 7 July forecast WTI to average $102/bbl this year, up from $68/bbl in 2021.

Industrial Commodities include:

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